Hardwick House School is a specialist day school which caters for children and young people with autism. Described as ‘more than just a school’ Hardwick House is a community which provides a support network for young people, aged between 7 and 19 years old, and their families.
Offering a small and caring environment, Hardwick House enables pupils to access a broad and balanced curriculum designed in partnership with the individual and tailored specifically to account for their unique needs and aptitudes.
Sarah Unwin
"Pupils have very good attitudes to their learning. They listen well, readily answer teachers’ questions and take pride in their work."
Ofsted, 2019
"Staff have high expectations for all pupils. The headteacher and deputy headteacher ensure that pupils leave the school with good qualifications. Pupils recently leaving Year 11 have moved on to appropriate further education or training."
Ofsted, 2019
The philosophy of the school is to allow each individual pupil to make outstanding progress from their personal academic, social and emotional starting points and to focus on raising aspirations and developing prospects for the future.
Preparation for adulthood is central to the ethos of the school. Every pupil leaves Hardwick House with a clear destination in mind; further education, or the world of work through a training programme such as an apprenticeship.
The school's outdoor learning facilities are used to promote creative thinking, enhance wellbeing and grow each learner's confidence. These facilities include an outdoor workshop area, a campfire kitchen and a variety of small animals which are used as both a tool for teaching and to reduce anxiety.
The Hardwick House curriculum is focused on developing the key academic and social skills required for adulthood. Every pupil receives weekly Social Communication lessons delivered by school staff and a Speech and Language Therapist. The school also has an Occupational Therapist and a Counsellor.
7 - 19 years
Day, co-educational
​Support for autistic spectrum disorders
​Weekly Social Communication lessons for all pupils
S<, OT, Counsellor
Preparation for life
100% of pupils made expected progress in English, 66% attained at least one grade higher, Aug 22
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